Morrisons Pouch (Hepatorenal Pouch/Right Subhepatic Space)

Morrison’s Pouch is a potential space between the liver and the right kidney. It is an intraperitoneal space in the supramesocolic compartment

Morrison’s Pouch (Hepatorenal Pouch/Right Subhepatic Space)

Morrison’s Pouch is a potential space between the liver and the right kidney. It is an intraperitoneal space in the supramesocolic compartment. This space is usually empty, but in pathological conditions, it can be filled with fluid (trauma, infections, inflammatory conditions), infectious abscesses and metastases from tumours. It can be visualized directly via Ultrasound or CT Scan.


  1. Superior: Inferior layer of the coronary ligament of the Liver.

  2. Posterior: Anterior surface of the upper pole of right kidney

  3. Laterally: Parietal peritoneum of the lateral abdominal wall

  4. Infero-medially:

    • Hepatic flexure of the colon

    • Transverse Mesocolon

    • Second part of the duodenum


  1. Ascites

  2. Hemoperitoneum

  3. Adrenal Hemorrhage

  4. Peritoneal Tuberculosis

  5. Abscess

  6. Local extension of malignant tumour

    1. Hepatic tumours

    2. Renal Tumours

    3. Adrenal Tumours

    4. Large Bowel Tumours

  7. Acute Cholecystitis

    1. Pericholecystic fluid collections can sometimes extend to the Morrison’s Pouch.

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