Surgical Anatomy Articles

All articles on Surgical Anatomy

Calot's Triangle

Calot's triangle is a small triangular space at the porta hepatis of surgical importance as it is dissected during cholecystectomy. Its contents, the cystic artery and cystic duct, must be identified before ligation and division to avoid intraoperative injury.


Calot's Triangle

Calot's triangle is a small triangular space at the porta hepatis of surgical importance as it is dissected during cholecystectomy. Its contents, the cystic artery and cystic duct, must be identified before ligation and division to avoid intraoperative injury.


Morrison’s Pouch (Hepatorenal Pouch/Right Subhepatic Space)

Morrison’s Pouch is a potential space between the liver and the right kidney. It is an intraperitoneal space in the supramesocolic compartment


Morrison’s Pouch (Hepatorenal Pouch/Right Subhepatic Space)

Morrison’s Pouch is a potential space between the liver and the right kidney. It is an intraperitoneal space in the supramesocolic compartment


Layers encountered during a Chest Drain Insertion

Chest drains are indicated in hemothorax, pneumothorax and hydrothorax. The layers encountered are essential for understanding the relevant anatomy.


Layers encountered during a Chest Drain Insertion

Chest drains are indicated in hemothorax, pneumothorax and hydrothorax. The layers encountered are essential for understanding the relevant anatomy.


Layer's encountered during a Lumbar Puncture

The layers encountered during a Lumbar puncture, starting from the skin and going deep.


Layer's encountered during a Lumbar Puncture

The layers encountered during a Lumbar puncture, starting from the skin and going deep.


Layers encountered during a C-Section

All the layers involved in a C-section, from the skin downwards.


Layers encountered during a C-Section

All the layers involved in a C-section, from the skin downwards.


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